Tuesday, December 11, 2012

43) Anticipated Motion

This image shows anticipated motion

42) Spatial Puzzles (Equivocal Space)

This image shows spatial puzzles

41) Multiple Perspective

This image shows multiple perspective

40) Amplified Perspective

this image shows amplified perspective

39) Illusion of Space by Linear Perspective

this image shows the illusion of depth by linear perspective

38) Illusion of Space by Aerial Perspective

This shows aerial perspective

37) Illusion of Space by Vertical Location

This shows the illusion of space by vertical location

36) Illusion of Space by Overlapping

This images show space by overlapping

35) Scale Confusion

This image shows scale confusion

34) Alternating Rhythm

This image shows alternating rhythm

33) Progressive Rhythm

this image shows progressive rhythm

32) Absence of Focal Point

This image shows absence of focal point

31) Degree of Emphasis

The focal points are each line
1. straight line
2. zig-zag 
3. curved

30) Emphasis by Placement

This shows emphasis by placement.

29) Emphasis by Isolation

this is an example of emphasis by isolation

28) Emphasis by Contrast

This is an example of Emphasis by contrast

27) Crystallographic Balance (aka All Over Pattern)

This is an example of all over pattern